Get Involved
Report Illegal Tobacco and Vapes Anonymously
Together, we can make a difference in our communities. The best way to tackle illegal tobacco is by reporting it. If you see it—no ifs, no butts!
Make a difference in your community! Download our resources and help spread the word about the dangers of illegal tobacco and vapes.
Fact Sheets
Our collection of fact sheets include information of illegal tobacco, as well as information on smoking cigarettes & rollies, cannabis, vaping & e-cigarettes, shisha, smoking in the home, and smoking while pregnant.
Welsh Government Partner Pack Toolkit
The Welsh Government Partner Pack provides an insight into why the No Ifs. No Butts. campaign was launched, how we have gone about pushing our message, and what you can do to help in the fight against illegal tobacco.
Social Media Assets (General)
These social media assets are available for you to use on your own social media platforms. They highlight the dangers of illegal tobacco and how it can be reported. If you to post about illegal tobacco, please tag us @NINBWales!
Social Media Assets for Schools
These social media assets are ideally designed for use by schools, or other educational institutions or organisations that work with children and/or their parents/guardians. They are available for you to use on your own social media platforms. They highlight the dangers of illegal tobacco and how it can be reported. If you to post about illegal tobacco, please tag us @NINBWales!
Latest Updates
Check out our latest updates to see how illegal tobacco and vapes impact real lives—and how your reports can make a difference.